Temporary download link is very useful to sell digital goods on the website. It provides a secure way to share the download link of the digital products. The user allows downloading the file only one time, after the download the link is expired or removed. The one-time download link is ideal to give a digital product (code, music, video, etc) to a single person and expire the link once the product is downloaded.
With the single-use download link, you don’t need to manually monitor the download activity in order to change the download link. Instead, the download link will be expired immediately after the first download. In this tutorial, we will show you how to generate one-time download link in PHP and implement the temporary download URL functionality on the web application using PHP.
The example code allows you to generate a unique link to download the file from the server. This link will allow the user to download one time. Also, the link will have an expiration time and it will be expired after the specified expiry date.
For example, you want to sell an eBook on your website. The eBook is sold on your website for $5, you could use our script to allow that user to download the respective eBook only one-time. The download link will give them a limited number of seconds/minutes/hours/days/week/years to claim their download.
The following process will be followed to implement the temporary download link functionality in PHP.
The configuration variables are defined in this file.
– An array of the files with the unique ID.
– Define the URL of the application.DOWNLOAD_PATH
– Define the path of the file downloading script.TOKEN_DIR
– Set the token directory path where the keys will be stored.OAUTH_PASSWORD
– Set the authentication password to generate a download link.EXPIRATION_TIME
– Set a time when the file will expire.<?php
// Array of the files with an unique ID
$files = array(
'UID12345' => array(
'content_type' => 'application/zip',
'suggested_name' => 'codex-file.zip',
'file_path' => 'files/test.zip',
'type' => 'local_file'
'UID67890' => array(
'content_type' => 'audio/mpeg',
'suggested_name' => 'music-codex.mp3',
'file_path' => 'https://www.dropbox.com/XXXXXXX/song.mp3?dl=1',
'type' => 'remote_file'
// Base URL of the application
define('BASE_URL','http://'. $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/');
// Path of the download.php file
define('DOWNLOAD_PATH', BASE_URL.'download.php');
// Path of the token directory to store keys
define('TOKEN_DIR', 'tokens');
// Authentication password to generate download links
// Expiration time of the link (examples: +1 year, +1 month, +5 days, +10 hours)
define('EXPIRATION_TIME', '+5 minutes');
In this file, a link will be displayed to navigate to the download link creation file. The authentication password needs to be specified in the query string of the link.
<a href="generate.php?CODEXWORLD">Generate download link</a>
This file creates a temporary download link and lists the links on the web page. The query string must have the authentication password and need to be matched with the specified in the config.php
file, otherwise, 404 error is rendered.
// Include the configuration file
require_once 'config.php';
// Grab the password from the query string
$oauthPass = trim($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
// Verify the oauth password
if($oauthPass != OAUTH_PASSWORD){
// Return 404 error, if not a correct path
header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
// Create a list of links to display the download files
$download_links = array();
// If the files exist
foreach($files as $fid => $file){
// Encode the file ID
$fid = base64_encode($fid);
// Generate new unique key
$key = uniqid(time().'-key',TRUE);
// Generate download link
$download_link = DOWNLOAD_PATH."?fid=$fid&key=".$key;
// Add download link to the list
$download_links[] = array(
'link' => $download_link
// Create a protected directory to store keys
if(!is_dir(TOKEN_DIR)) {
$file = fopen(TOKEN_DIR.'/.htaccess','w');
fwrite($file,"Order allow,deny\nDeny from all");
// Write the key to the keys list
$file = fopen(TOKEN_DIR.'/keys','a');
fwrite($file, "{$key}\n");
?> <!-- List all the download links --> <?php if(!empty($download_links)){ ?>
<?php foreach($download_links as $download){ ?>
<li><a href="<?php echo $download['link']; ?>"><?php echo $download['link']; ?></a></li>
<?php } ?>
<?php }else{ ?>
<p>Links are not found...</p>
<?php } ?>
This file downloads the file by the temporary download link.
// Include the configuration file
require_once 'config.php';
// Get the file ID & key from the URL
$fid = base64_decode(trim($_GET['fid']));
$key = trim($_GET['key']);
// Calculate link expiration time
$currentTime = time();
$keyTime = explode('-',$key);
$expTime = strtotime(EXPIRATION_TIME, $keyTime[0]);
// Retrieve the keys from the tokens file
$keys = file(TOKEN_DIR.'/keys');
$match = false;
// Loop through the keys to find a match
// When the match is found, remove it
foreach($keys as &$one){
$match = true;
$one = '';
// Put the remaining keys back into the tokens file
// If match found and the link is not expired
if($match !== false && $currentTime <= $expTime){
// If the file is found in the file's array
// Get the file data
$contentType = $files[$fid]['content_type'];
$fileName = $files[$fid]['suggested_name'];
$filePath = $files[$fid]['file_path'];
// Force the browser to download the file
if($files[$fid]['type'] == 'remote_file'){
$file = fopen($filePath, 'r');
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$fileName}\"");
header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
header("Content-type: {$contentType}");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$fileName}\"");
header("Content-Length: " . filesize($filePath));
header('Pragma: public');
header("Expires: 0");
$response = 'Download link is not valid.';
// If the file has been downloaded already or time expired
$response = 'Download link is expired.';
?> <html> <head> <title><?php echo $response; ?></title> </head> <body> <h1><?php echo $response; ?></h1> </body> </html>
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You can use one of the various temporary expiry link generators online such as expiry.link
This is great, thanks so much! I integrated it with my own DB-based solution to make a double-secure chain of users being emailed one-use URLs with a hash as the oauth that then generates the download link to only the file they requested.
How to place $_POST[‘getresult’]; in config.php
I am trying to pass dynamic values using Ajax.
Thank you very much!
thanks you CodexWorld.