How to Test Facebook OAuth in Development Mode

The Facebook OAuth functionality in the web application can be tested with Development mode. You can use Facebook App in development mode to check the OAuth functionality before making the Facebook login live for production. In this guide, we will show you how to test Facebook OAuth functionality in development mode with FB App.

After creating App on the Facebook Developers panel, follow the below steps to test Facebook OAuth in Development mode.

  • Go to the Roles » Test Users page.
  • Click the Add button to create a new test user.
  • Once the test user is created, click the Edit button and select Change permissions this test user granted to app.
  • Search for the required permissions in the autocomplete text box. Select permissions you want to grant to the App and click Update.
  • To change the password of the test user, click the Edit button and select Change the name or password for this test user.

Now, you can use these test users to login in Facebook OAuth script and grant various permission to the App.

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