There are two ways to get the time difference in minutes with PHP.
1. Use the PHP DateTime class to calculate the difference between two date-times. The diff() method of DateTime class creates a DateInterval object that calculates the difference between two date/time objects in time (total days, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, etc.).
$datetime_1 = '2022-04-10 11:15:30';
$datetime_2 = '2022-04-12 13:30:45';
$start_datetime = new DateTime($datetime_1);
$diff = $start_datetime->diff(new DateTime($datetime_2));
echo $diff->days.' Days total<br>';
echo $diff->y.' Years<br>';
echo $diff->m.' Months<br>';
echo $diff->d.' Days<br>';
echo $diff->h.' Hours<br>';
echo $diff->i.' Minutes<br>';
echo $diff->s.' Seconds<br>';
Calculate and get the time difference in minutes:
$total_minutes = ($diff->days * 24 * 60);
$total_minutes += ($diff->h * 60);
$total_minutes += $diff->i;
echo 'Diff in Minutes: '.$total_minutes;
2. You can use strtotime() function to get the time difference between two dates (DateTime) in minutes using PHP.
$datetime_1 = '2022-04-10 11:15:30';
$datetime_2 = '2022-04-12 13:30:45';
$from_time = strtotime($datetime_1);
$to_time = strtotime($datetime_2);
$diff_minutes = round(abs($from_time - $to_time) / 60,2). " minutes";