Online Poll and Voting System with PHP and MySQL

Online polls are mainly used to identify the choice of web users. Online survey or polls is mostly used on the web today, and many services are available that provide a built-in poll system. However, you can easily implement the online voting system using PHP and MySQL. If you want to create your own poll and voting system, this tutorial will help you to create a simple, clean polling or voting system using PHP.

The poll or voting system lets the user share their opinion on a subject by selecting from several options. The system counts all the votes and displays the overall result in percentage. This poll or voting system is often used in market research, surveys, and websites to collect feedback on various topics and understand what people think about them. In this tutorial, we will show you how to build a simple poll script in PHP. The example script uses PHP and MySQL to create a poll system without using any JavaScript or jQuery. Also, this voting script store poll data, poll options, and votes into the database using PHP and MySQL.

Poll Script Functionality

Poll and options data is stored in the MySQL database. Poll questions and respective options will be fetched from the database and shown to the user. The user can be able to select an option and submit their vote. Once the vote is submitted, it will be stored in the database with the respective poll option. Also, PHP COOKIE will be used to restrict the user from submitting the vote multiple times. The poll result with the total votes count and votes on each option will be displayed on the result page. The result of the poll’s options will be shown in a percentage bar.

In the example voting script, the following functionality will be implemented.

  • Fetch poll subject/question from the database and display with options.
  • Allow the user to select an answer and submit vote.
  • Store the vote count in the database for each option.
  • Display poll voting results on the webpage.

Before getting started to build online poll & voting system with PHP, take a look at the file structure.

├── index.php
├── results.php
├── Poll.class.php
└── css/
    └── style.css

Create Database Tables

We will use 3 tables to store polls, options, and voting count in the database.

The following SQL creates a polls table in the MySQL database, it holds poll subject/question info.

CREATE TABLE `polls` (
  `subject` text NOT NULL,
  `created` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  `modified` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  `status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 COMMENT '1=Active | 0=Inactive',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;

The following SQL creates a poll_options table in the MySQL database, it holds options/answers associated with the respective poll.

CREATE TABLE `poll_options` (
  `poll_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `created` datetime NOT NULL,
  `modified` datetime NOT NULL,
  `status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 COMMENT '1=Active | 0=Inactive',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `poll_id` (`poll_id`),
  CONSTRAINT `poll_options_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`poll_id`) REFERENCES `polls` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;

The following SQL creates a poll_votes table in the MySQL database, it holds the voting count for each poll option.

CREATE TABLE `poll_votes` (
  `poll_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `poll_option_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `vote_count` bigint(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `poll_id` (`poll_id`),
  KEY `poll_option_id` (`poll_option_id`),
  CONSTRAINT `poll_votes_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`poll_option_id`) REFERENCES `poll_options` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;

For the demonstration purpose, insert some test data (poll and respective options) in the database.

INSERT INTO `polls` (`id`, `subject`, `created`, `modified`, `status`) VALUES
(1, 'What is your Favorite Programming Language?', '2024-08-18 04:13:13', '2024-08-18 04:13:13', 1);
INSERT INTO `poll_options` (`id`, `poll_id`, `name`, `created`, `modified`, `status`) VALUES
(1, 1, 'PHP', '2024-08-18 04:13:13', '2024-08-18 04:13:13', 1),
(2, 1, 'Python', '2024-08-18 04:13:13', '2024-08-18 04:13:13', 1),
(3, 1, 'JavaScript', '2024-08-18 04:13:13', '2024-08-18 04:13:13', 1),
(4, 1, 'Java', '2024-08-18 04:13:13', '2024-08-18 04:13:13', 1),
(5, 1, 'C and C++', '2024-08-18 19:39:46', '2024-08-18 19:39:46', 1),
(6, 1, 'Ruby', '2024-08-18 19:39:46', '2024-08-18 19:39:46', 1),
(7, 1, 'Other', '2024-08-18 19:40:25', '2024-08-18 19:40:25', 1);

Poll Class (Poll.class.php)

The Poll class handles the database related operations (connect, select, insert, update, and delete) using PHP and MySQL. Specify the database host ($dbHost), username ($dbUser), password ($dbPwd), and name ($dbName) as per your database server credentials.

  • __construct() – Connect and select the database.
  • getQuery() – Execute the SQL query and return the respective data. It is a private function used by this class only.
  • getPolls() – Fetch the poll and respective options. Also, it can fetch multiple poll data based on the request.
  • vote() – Insert or update the vote count into the database.
  • getResult() – Get poll results with the voting count of each option.
 * Poll Management Class
 * This class is used to manage online poll & voting system with PHP
 * @author
 * @url
 * @license
class Poll{
$dbHost  'localhost';
$dbUser  'root';
$dbPwd   'root';
$dbName  'codexworld_db';

$db      false;
$pollTbl 'polls';
$optTbl  'poll_options';
$voteTbl 'poll_votes';
    public function 
// Connect to the database
$conn = new mysqli($this->dbHost$this->dbUser$this->dbPwd$this->dbName);
"Failed to connect with MySQL: " $conn->connect_error);
$this->db $conn;
     * Runs query to the database
     * @param string SQL
     * @param string count, single, all
private function getQuery($sql,$returnType ''){
$result $this->db->query($sql);
$data $result->num_rows;
$data $result->fetch_assoc();
$result->num_rows 0){
$row $result->fetch_assoc()){
$data[] = $row;
        return !empty(
     * Get polls data
     * Returns single or multiple poll data with respective options
     * @param string single, all
public function getPolls($poll_type 'single'){
$sql "SELECT * FROM ".$this->pollTbl." WHERE status = 1 ORDER BY id DESC";
$result $this->getQuery($sql$poll_type);
$poll_type == 'single'){
$data['poll'] = $result;
$sql2 "SELECT * FROM ".$this->optTbl." WHERE poll_id = ".$result['id']." AND status = 1";
$opts_result $this->getQuery($sql2);
$data['options'] = $opts_result;
$i 0;
$result as $prow){
$data[$i]['poll'] = $prow;
$sql2 "SELECT * FROM ".$this->optTbl." WHERE poll_id = ".$prow['id']." AND status = 1";
$opts_result $this->getQuery($sql2);
$data[$i]['options'] = $opts_result;
        return !empty(
     * Insert voting
     * @param array of poll option data
public function vote($data = array()){
$data['poll_id']) || !isset($data['poll_option_id']) || isset($_COOKIE['poll_voting_id-'.$data['poll_id']])){
$sql "SELECT * FROM ".$this->voteTbl." WHERE poll_id = ".$data['poll_id']." AND poll_option_id = ".$data['poll_option_id'];
$preVote $this->getQuery($sql'count');
$preVote 0){
$query "UPDATE ".$this->voteTbl." SET vote_count = vote_count+1 WHERE poll_id = ".$data['poll_id']." AND poll_option_id = ".$data['poll_option_id'];
$update $this->db->query($query);
$query "INSERT INTO ".$this->voteTbl." (poll_id,poll_option_id,vote_count) VALUES (".$data['poll_id'].", ".$data['poll_option_id'].", 1)";
$insert $this->db->query($query);
     * Get poll result
     * @param poll ID
public function getResult($poll_id){
$sql "SELECT p.subject, SUM(v.vote_count) as total_votes FROM ".$this->voteTbl." as v LEFT JOIN ".$this->pollTbl." as p ON = v.poll_id WHERE poll_id = ".$poll_id;
$result $this->getQuery($sql'single');
$data['poll'] = $result['subject'];
$data['total_votes'] = $result['total_votes'];
$sql2 "SELECT,, v.vote_count FROM ".$this->optTbl." as o LEFT JOIN ".$this->voteTbl." as v ON v.poll_option_id = WHERE o.poll_id = ".$poll_id;
$opts_result $this->getQuery($sql2);
$opts_result as $row){
$data['options'][$row['name']] = $row['vote_count']; 
        return !empty(


Poll Question and Answer Options (index.php)

Initially, the poll subject and respective options are displayed. For selecting an option a radio button is placed with each option label. The user can use the submit button to provide their vote. Also, a link will be provided to view the results of the poll.

  • Fetch poll and related options from the database using the getPolls() function of the Poll class.
  • If the voting request is submitted, insert the vote count in the database using the vote() function of the Poll class.
  • Set an identifier in $_COOKIE to signify the user has voted.
  • Retrieve existing voting info from COOKIE and checked the selected option if already been voted.
// Include and initialize Poll class 
include_once 'Poll.class.php';
$pollDB = new Poll();

// Get poll and options data
$poll_data $pollDB->getPolls();

// If vote is submitted
$_POST['poll_id']) && !empty($_POST['vote_opt'])){
// Insert voting data
$voteData = array(
'poll_id' => $_POST['poll_id'],
'poll_option_id' => $_POST['vote_opt']
$voteSubmit $pollDB->vote($voteData);

// Store in $_COOKIE to signify the user has voted
setcookie('poll_voting_id-'.$_POST['poll_id'], $_POST['vote_opt'], time()+60*60*24*365);
$status 'success';
$statusMsg 'Your vote has been recorded successfully.';
$status 'danger';
$statusMsg 'Your vote has already been submitted!';
$status 'danger';
$statusMsg 'Please select an option to vote.';

// Retrieve existing voting info from COOKIE
$ck_poll_option $_COOKIE['poll_voting_id-'.$poll_data['poll']['id']];
?> <!-- Status message --> <?php echo !empty($statusMsg)?'<div class="alert alert-'.$status.'">'.$statusMsg.'</div>':''?> <!-- Poll & options --> <div class="voting-wrap"> <form method="post" action=""> <h3><?php echo $poll_data['poll']['subject']; ?></h3> <ul>             <?php foreach($poll_data['options'] as $opt){
// Check existing voting option
$opt_select '';
$ck_poll_option) && $ck_poll_option == $opt['id']){
$opt_select 'checked';

'<li><input type="radio" name="vote_opt" value="'.$opt['id'].'" '.$opt_select.'>'.$opt['name'].'</li>';
?> </ul> <input type="hidden" name="poll_id" value="<?php echo $poll_data['poll']['id']; ?>"> <input type="submit" name="voteSubmit" class="btn btn-success" value="Submit Vote"> </form> </div> <a href="results.php?poll_id=<?php echo $poll_data['poll']['id']; ?>" class="btn btn-primary">View Results &rarr;</a>

Poll Voting Results (results.php)

On this page, the voting result of the selected poll is fetched from the database and shown to the user. The voting count of all options is listed in percentage format with a progress bar UI.

  • Get voting results from the database using the getResult() method of the Poll class.
  • List all the options, total vote count, and voting percentage in progress bar UI.
// Include and initialize Poll class 
include_once 'Poll.class.php';
$pollDB = new Poll();

// Get poll result data
$poll_result $pollDB->getResult($_GET['poll_id']);
?> <h3><?php echo $poll_result['poll']; ?></h3> <p>Total Votes: <b><?php echo $poll_result['total_votes']; ?></b></p> <?php
// Generate option bars with votes count
if(!empty($poll_result['options'])){ $i=0;
$poll_result['options'] as $opt=>$vote){
$vote_count = !empty($vote)?$vote:0;
$vote_percent round(($vote_count/$poll_result['total_votes'])*100);
$vote_percent = !empty($vote_percent)?$vote_percent.'%':'0%';
?> <div class="bar-wrap"> <h4><?php echo $opt?> <span>(<?php echo $vote_count?> votes</span>)</h4> <div class="progress"> <div class="progress-bar bg-<?php echo $i?>" style="width: <?php echo $vote_percent?>;"><?php echo $vote_percent?></div> </div> </div> <?php 



Here we’ve tried to show the web poll system creation process with PHP and MySQL. Hope this online voting tutorial helps to understand online polling system and build your own web poll using PHP and MySQL. Also, you can easily extend this simple PHP poll and voting system script as per your requirements.

Do you want to get implementation help, or enhance the functionality of this script? Click here to Submit Service Request


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