Multiple images upload feature helps to upload a large number of files to the server at once. Upload multiple images in CodeIgniter allows uploading multiple images at once instead of one-by-one. This feature is very useful for the data management section ...

By: CodexWorld Jul 16, 2019

Stripe API provides the quickest way to integrate credit card payment option on the website. With stripe API you can allow the user to make the payment online by their credit or debit card. The credit card checkout system can be easily implemented on the w...

By: CodexWorld May 19, 2020

Watermark is the best option to protect the image from being stolen or re-used by another person. You can display the ownership by adding watermark to image. The watermark helps to identify the creator of the image. Mostly, the watermark stamp is used in t...

By: CodexWorld Jun 13, 2019

PDF file format is very useful to download bulk data in the web application. With export to PDF functionality, the HTML content is converted to PDF document and downloaded as a PDF file. In the dynamic web application, a server-side script is used to conve...

By: CodexWorld Jul 10, 2024

Upload multiple images at once helps to reduce the time taking for uploading a large number of images to the server. It also provides a user-friendly way to upload multiple images to the server at once instead of one-by-one. Multiple image upload functiona...

By: CodexWorld May 30, 2019

Dynamic PDF generation is useful when you want to allow the user to download the text or HTML content in a file on the web application. Dompdf is the easiest way to create a PDF document with dynamic data using PHP. Dompdf library helps to create a PDF fil...

By: CodexWorld Nov 22, 2022

CKEditor plugin allows the user to insert HTML content in the textarea field and submit formatted text content to the server-side. The Image plugin of CKEditor helps to insert the image in the editor. In this case, you need to specify the URL of the image ...

By: CodexWorld Oct 5, 2023

CRUD operations are the essential functionality for any dynamic web application. It helps to manage data between the application and the database. With PHP CRUD operations not only the data but also the image upload functionality can be managed. If you wan...

By: CodexWorld Jun 7, 2024

The PayPal Pro payment gateway allows you to accept payment online with credit or debit card. Using the PayPal Payments Pro the customer can make the payment with their credit card without a PayPal account. The payment can be completed within your website...

By: CodexWorld Mar 27, 2019