WordPress has a way where developers can create custom fields to the post. With this way we can extend WordPress functionality and fulfill our requirement. This extra custom fields data is known as meta-data. Meta data allow you to add some additional data to the post. In this tutorial we will discuss how to create WordPress custom fields and insert some additional data to the post. This step by step tutorial provides you an easy way to add custom post meta box in WordPress. Now we will add a custom meta box into post adding page. Through this custom meta

By: CodexWorld Apr 20, 2015

Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook uses Load More Data technique to list dynamic data in a user-friend way. They allow users to dynamically load the data on a button click instead of displaying the pagination links. Show more technique is very interactive beca...

By: CodexWorld Feb 22, 2018

Nowadays most web projects have a desktop version site as well as a mobile version site. The web interface is available based on the device the user accessed from. When the user visits the website from a mobile device, they need to be redirected to the mob...

By: CodexWorld Aug 17, 2022

CodeIgniter helper file is a collection of functions, it help you to do task. CodeIgniter has more than 20 system helpers. All system helpers are stored in system/helpers directory. In this tutorial we will discuss about CodeIgniter custom helper. You will learn to create your own helper file and use helper function as per your needs. Now we will create a custom helper file and a function in this helper file. Also we will use this function in controller and views. We have already the users table into database, where all the user data have stored. We will create a

By: CodexWorld Aug 21, 2015

Many times we need store the data as a XML into the database or into the file for later use. For fulfil this need, we will need to convert the data to XML and save the XML file. In this tutorial we will discuss, how to create XML from array in PHP. We have created a simple script for convert PHP array to XML. You can easily generate XML file from PHP array and save the XML file. You can convert all types of array like Associative array or Multidimensional arrays. PHP Array: At first we will store the users

By: CodexWorld Jun 2, 2017

Dynamic input field allows providing multiple values in a form. It is very useful when you want to receive multiple inputs for the same field in an HTML form. The dynamic input fields feature can be easily integrated using jQuery. You can add multiple fiel...

By: CodexWorld Sep 1, 2023

At our previous tutorial we have described about Drupal 7 installation, configuration, and basic setup. In this tutorial we will discuss about creation of page, content and menu in Drupal 7. You will learn how to add content to a Drupal site. Now let's sta...

By: CodexWorld May 31, 2015

Rating helps the user to give their thought and differentiate how good or bad a products or service is. Also, it helps the owner to understand the drawbacks of products and know whether the product meets customer expectations or not. The rating system func...

By: CodexWorld Jun 14, 2018

This short tutorial will explain how you upload images and create thumbnail of the images using PHP. You can learn dynamic thumbnail creation with our tutorial and easily integrate this script at your project. Also you would be able to view the working liv...

By: CodexWorld Apr 27, 2016